University Potato ? Japanese sweet potato treat!
Today I'd like to share some Japanese snack I cook a lot recently! Although they are usually deep-fried, it also works even if you just fry it with minimum amount of oil, or even no oil if you have non-stick pan in your kitchen ;))
It's called Daigaku-Imo 大学芋 ;) Daigaku means university/college in Japanese. Imo means potatoes but here it indicates sweet potatoes! It’s named like such, in one theory, because of that it was popular among students in Tokyo back to Taisho-Showa period. (Familiar with Demon Slayer? The story was set in Taisho period)Here is a brief introduction:
1. Cut potatoes into bite size pieces
2. Soak them in water for 10 mins, then microwave it for 3-4 mins (500w)
(Meanwhile, prepare the sauce! one table spoon of liquid sweetner, and a tea spoon of soy sauce. Mix them well~ I went for agave for the sweetner, but it's your choice)
3. Oil the pan with butter or vegan butter, or any kind of oil you have on your hand and heat the pan with medium heat
4. Fry the potatoes until they get cruncy outside!
5. Add the sauce, and steam it with a lid on the pan until the potatoes are coocked (not much time required as we microwaved them beforehand)
6. Add MASSIVE amounts of black sesamis
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